VIP channel
Anyone who has bought the rank VIP in our shop can get a VIP channel,
As soon as you get the rank VIP, you can get a channel created by the bot via the channel (VIP Channel).
Here's that. Even a VIP channel is only semi-permanent, this is observed by a time, in this case we have arranged it that way.
Perma Channel
You can get a permanent channel from rank level 5, as soon as someone has received rank level 5 you can join the channel permanent channel and a bot will then create the perma channel
It is important to note that it is also semi-perma if no one rejoins after 7 days, it will be automatically deleted by a bot
tamp channel
anyone can create a tamp channel, there are several ways to create a tamp channel,
you can join the channel temporary channel and a bot will create this room for you or you can right click in the channel tree and create your channel
The channel will be deleted as soon as nobody is in the room anymore